
He waka eke noa.

We are all in this together.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Art Term 1


  1. Hello. We have been working on some wonderful collage art using our faces as a template. I will post a few of the finished results shortly.

  2. Kia ora Mr McAulay,
    I like the collage visual art work. Especially the cupcake because I love cupcakes. What are all the tools you used to make the beautiful artworks?

    From Petulisa

    1. Hi Petulisa,

      The tools we used were quite high-tech and complicated but we will let you in on the secret...All you need is a stack of old magazines, scissors, glue stick, an A3 photo of your face and lots of patience. One of the students will post a video soon about their finished work. Stay tuned for updates.


      Mr McAulay

  3. Kia ora McAulay,
    I think this is the best blog I have ever seen.I like your collage visual art work it is amazing.I wish I could make that with yous.I just hope if you can go on my blog and blog something on my blog?Hear is the link to my blog http://hpsvonairayp.blogspot.co.nz/.Have a nice day.

    From Vonairay


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Mr McAulay