
He waka eke noa.

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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Hand Stencil Art

Sometimes the things you throw away after the artwork is created can have their own artistic merit. We were working on stencil art using hands today. When this hand was removed from the painting it was almost more impressive than the artwork.


  1. hi
    I'm one of those people who did the art we did it by accidenatally mixing colours and flicked it on his hand
    here is a link to my blog

  2. Fakalofa lahi atu room 8.My name is Lupe and I am from Hay park school. I like how you have made a creative art work,you all have done a great job.I was thinking that it would be more creative if you made a background but its very awesome by the way I love it.I think that it should be really cool if you made some kind of art you've never done before that to me will be a very stunning experience to you room 8.

  3. Hello Room 7,
    My name is Tai I am a year 6 student in room 7 at Hay Park School. I really like this creative hand stencil you guy's did it would be really amazing if you could do other colours two so it could be a rainbow colour because all the colours you have are blue, green and yellow. Your hand stencil made me think of a TV program I watched on TV, I would love to make one it would be really Fantastic! If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://hpstaie.blogspot.co.nz/

    Great job
    From: Tai

  4. Hi there, my name is Osana and I am a student in room 7 at Hay Park School. I really like how you are sharing your learning onto your blog so other people can act on it. It made me think that I should make a hand stencil art
    Have you thought about sharing some detail about your artwork so people can know more about your work. If you would like to see my learning, my blog http://hpsosanal.blogspot.co.nz/

  5. Kia ora Rm 7, I really love that hand that you guys did, I really love to do that, how can you do that, is it tricky.
    Man only if you were here you can teach me, well nice hand you did catch you later.

    From Lanu.

  6. Dear Mr. McAulay’s class,

    I love your photo of the hand-painting! It was so good for a while I thought it was the actual art work!

    Maybe next time though it would be nice to see real artwork that your class did. I am sure your artwork would be very interesting because it made that awesome splash of colours!

    I like the way how you used lots of different colours to create a stunning effect. I also liked how some of the paint patches was thicker than other patches of paint, and some of the paint was blended together.

    What did you do to get this effect? I wonder what would happen if you tried it again on purpose.

    -Tara from Karoro School.

  7. Kia Ora Mr McAulay

    My name is Kieran. I go to Karoro School. I really enjoyed looking at your hand stencil art work it looks so cool. I think that it is such an amazing idea. Maybe next time you could try to do an artwork called scratch art. That is an art work my class has recently done. `````````````````````````````

    Maybe you could go visit my blog here is the link http://karorokierand.blogspot.co.nz/2016/06/welcome.html#comment-form

    Your sincerely Kieran

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Paroa School

    I really like the idea about using leftover art materials. People always throw out things like art materials so I am glad that you guys are recycling. I remember back a couple of years when I drew some hand stencils and tried to recreate an image of my hand and let's just say I did not succeed so I hope yours It went well.

    Something that could be helpful would that you could use all the colours of the rainbow or maybe have a big row of hands that all have different colours. I would also like to ask some questions what colours did you use for the one hand? How messy did the art get?

    Sincerely Sam - Karoro School

  10. Namaste
    My name is summer. I’m from the West Coast. I love activities such as sports cooking/baking. I’m a year 7 student in Ruma Tahi at Karoro school.

    I was exploring your blog there were many amazing posts. As I look I seen colorful post it just stood out! Even myself I quite enjoy art and painting but this masterpiece is just mind blowing.

    It would be nice to see some of your classes stencil art? Make sure to check out my blog as well and comment! Here's the link to my blog: http://karorosummerm.blogspot.co.nz/

    Thanks again

  11. Haii Mr McAulay (:

    Greetings, I come in pieces. My name is Fern the rad and I come from the room of Room One.

    I really liked your hand art work! I think it was a good choice of colours to use as well o3
    I also really liked the green and yellow stripes were the paint has mixed. :D
    It looks like the type of art I would enjoy making and would make with my free time. x3x

    I can’t think of anything you could do next time, because of how good it is. (;
    Link to my blog :D

    Fern the rad ~ Karoro School

  12. I loved the variation of using and real hand to create your art.

  13. Kia ora Room 7. Im Isaiah from mamaku hub in grey mouth.I like the idea of the hand stinsils they are amazing. How did they turn out I bet they looked awesome. So did you just put paint on your hands?
    What colurs did you use to make them?

  14. Hello Mr McAulay,
    I am Lorna from Hay Park school. Wow I really like this artwork it is very unique and different. I have never seen something like this before. Was it fun doing this? Was it hard work? I would love to try something like this.

    From: Lorna

  15. hi its Brock ._.


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Mr McAulay