
He waka eke noa.

We are all in this together.

Thursday, 10 August 2017



  1. Hello and my name is Jaeda, I am in Waikowhai Primary School. And I love that you did some news about the weather, I think you did a really good Job thinking about putting it in the video. Could you make it a bit shorter next time please? If you would like to see my blog go to this site.

    Jaeda@waikowhai primary school-blogger

  2. Talofa lava, My name is Margaret and I am in Manukau at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you have your own news and showed us 2 videos. That is really cool that we have a green screen that we could make news to.Maybe next time you could have some more detail and have more information.
    Maybe if you have time you could have a look at my blog http://wpsmargarett.blogspot.co.nz/ .
    From Margaret

  3. Hello my name is:Harmony,I really like how you made it about skate boarding. I like how you did tricks. I learnt some tricks during our lessons like tic tac. Maybe next time don't make it so long.Harmony@Waikowia.school.NZ


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Mr McAulay