
He waka eke noa.

We are all in this together.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Beach Clean Up!


  1. Remember to bring your gardening gloves!

  2. Kia Ora Mr McAulay, my name is Amie I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really liked how your blog post was about a beach clean up. It made me think of when the senior syndicate went to Waikowhai Beach to have a clean up. Maybe next time you could add a description to your blog post? If you would like to see my learning this is my blog http://wpsamiem.blogspot.co.nz/ . Nice job!
    From: Amie

  3. Hi there, My name is Ashana I am a student in Te Wako Ako. I really like you blog post about your beach clean up. It reminded me of when we did a beach clean up a few weeks ago and we had to pick up lots of rubbish and it was yuck because I had to pick up hair from a person. Maybe next time you could add a video of your class doing the beach clean up. If you would like to see my learning blog it is http://wpsashanad.blogspot.co.nz/.
    Thanks for reading

  4. Hi my name is jia from waikowhai primary school i really liked the way you told what you were doing at the beach it reminded me of when my school and me went for a beach clean up last term maybe next time you could add more detail.

  5. hi my name is Apollo from waikowhai Primary School.
    my school went to the Beach Clean Up but i did-int go becose i am a year 4 but i STOL like that you have the SAM respect for the beech.

  6. Tolofa lava,my name is Margaret and I am in Manukau at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you blogged it out to your class and how you are cleaning up the beach. I remember that we had to do a beach clean up at Waikowhai bay. What else do you think your class needs to bring on the beach clean up. Well maybe if you have time you could have a look at my blog http://wpsmargarett.blogspot.co.nz.
    From Margaret
    blog you later.

  7. Hi my name is Jaeda in Waikowhai Primary school in Te Waka Ako, It must be really fun having a beach clean up! Could you add in more detail please. I really like how you thought about taking a picture about the notice and posting it!
    Here is my blog address if you would like to visit my blog!

  8. Malo e lelei Mr McAulay's, my name is Alfred from Waikowhai Primary School in Manukau. I really like how you are going to tidy up the environment and helping cleaning up. Our school cleaned up Waikowhai Bay. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://wpsalfredk.blogspot.co.nz/

  9. Hello Mr Macaulay's class Amaya from Te Waka Ako in Waikowhai Primary. I really like the way you guys gave lot's of information. Have you thought about making the words bigger so it's easier to read? It remind's me of when I went to clean the beach with room 10.If you would like to see my learning blog here in the address http://wpsamayap.blogspot.co.nz/.

  10. Buenos dias Mr McAulay, My name is Jerry R from waikowhai primary school. I really like that you put up your learning and activities that you have done.When I first saw your post it reminded me of the time we (Te waka Ako/Seniors) went to waikowhai bay to look at the amazing creatures and to explore the marine life. Maybe next time you could add a paragraph or 2 explaining your trip. If you want to visit my blog it is http://wpsjerryr.blogspot.co.nz/ .
    Yours sincerely Jerry R

  11. Hi my name is Qais from Waikowhai Primary School I like the way you have explained it and it made me think of once when I was doing a blog about a beach clean up because the other day the seniors went to a beach clean up at Waikowhai beach

  12. Hi Mr McAulay. My name is Fadlan in Te Waka Ako from Waikowhai Primary School. I really like the way that you showed a lot of information. This reminds me of the beach clean I went with my class earlier last week. Next time you could add more detail otherwise it was a good blog post. If you want to see my learning my blog is http://wpsfadlans.blogpost.co.nz

  13. It's good that your doing this. Last week Waikowhai primary school seniors went to Waikowhai bay and did a little clean up and there was heaps of rubbish.

  14. Hi Mr McAulay's
    My name is Coco, i am from Waikowhai Primary School. I like the you way you are cleaning the beach, because my school at Monday we are going to beach to clean the rubbish too. I like wend you peaking up the rubbish, and the beach well no have moue rubbish, we can put the rubbish recycling, so this very nice.

  15. Hi my name is Shivneel and I'm from Waikowhai Primary School.I really liked your beach clean up,Te waka ako
    also did it.But next time you could add a refection on what is was like and how you thought if you would like here's a link.http://wpsshivneelr.blogspot.co.nz/

  16. Kia ora, my name is Meleane and I am at Waikowhai Primary school and my class is called Manukau. I really like how you were cleaning up in a beach to helping the environment.If you like to see my learning blog it is wpsmeleanet.blogspot.co.nz.

  17. hi my name harmony and i go to wiakowhia primary
    school. i really liked your blog post and the fact that its eco thinking and if you want to see my learning/blog its http://wpsharmonyw.blogspot.co.nz/

  18. Hi my name is Saleh. I am fram waikowhal primary. I like your blog becose your blog is so good and you clean the baech.Our school also had a beach clen up .Next time you can take photos of your trip for your blog.

  19. Hi my mane is Rua from Waikowhail primary school .
    I like the way you clean up the beach .
    It reminded me about the beach clean up our school did.
    Next time may be you can add photos of picking up rubbish.

  20. Hi Mr McAulay's class, my name id Dorothy and I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like your blog post about the beach. I think it's a good idea to clean up the beach and having a competition to make it fun. Our school also has beach clean ups once in a while. Not long ago we went down to Waikowhai bay to clean up the beach. I would love to know how it went. Did you guys have fun? How was the competition? Thanks for sharing your learning with me. I would also love it if you checked out my learning blog at http://wpsdorothyb.blogspot.co.nz/

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. KIA Ora my name is leanah i am from waikowhai primary school. We do the same thing last month we did the clean up too.


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Mr McAulay