
He waka eke noa.

We are all in this together.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Bird Of The Year


  1. Bonjour Mr McAulay, my name is Amie I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really liked how you made a video about the bird of the year. Have you thought about adding a description about where you got the information from? This made me think of when I had to learn about a type of bird too! If you would like to see my learning my blog is http://wpsamiem.blogspot.co.nz/ . Nice job!
    From: Amie

    1. Hi Amie,

      All of the information I got for this post came out of brain. I have spent over 20 years of my life whitewater kayaking and often see the Whio. Sometimes all of the information can come from one source - especially when this is just explaining why I voted for the Whio.

      Cheers for your comment and for checking out my blog.

      Ka mau te wehi!

      Mr McAulay


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Mr McAulay