
He waka eke noa.

We are all in this together.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Tuatara Trail Run


  1. Hi there my name is Ashana, I come from Waikowhai Primary School in Te Wako Ako. I really like your story about the Tuatara Trail Run. It remind me of when we did something similar when it was cross country day. Maybe next time you could add a video of the day. if you would like to see my leaning blog it is http://wpsashanad.blogspot.co.nz/.
    Thanks for reading

  2. hi my name is harmony i like your blog

  3. Hi Mr McAulay. My name is Lily I am from Waikowhai Primary School. I really enjoyed how you designed it and the way you placed the information on very clearly. It made me think of when my class last year had to advertise our school Production. Maybe next time you can add a description to add a bit more information other then that it was great. Thank you for your time. If you would like to see my learning here is my blog http://wpslilyw.blogspot.co.nz/. Bye!

  4. Hello my name is Amaya and I am in Te Waka Ako in Waikowhai primary school. I like the way you gave lot's of information and you made it bright and bold so people could see it. Have you thought about making the writing more bigger. The post reminded me of cross country because you had to run. If you would like to see my learning blog here is my Blog address . http://wpsamayap.blogspot.co.nz/

  5. Hi Mr McAulay im a student in Waikowhai Primary School. I really like the way you have told all the information of what you did. It reminded me of when my school did cross country. next time you should add a little more information but it's still a good blog

  6. Hi Mr McAulay, My name is Fadlan and I am a student in Te Waka Ako from Waikowhai Primary School. I really like the way you told all the information like where is the location. It reminds me of a racing competition that I did with my friends. What you could do next time is that you could add more information, but it was still a good blog post. If you want to see my learning it is wpsfadlans.blogspot.co.nz

  7. Hi im Sebastian and im a student of waikowhai primary school.
    I really like how you told me about the tua tare trail run thats actually the first time iv heard that. it reminds me of the time on cross country because we would run threw the the bushes on the and it was fun trails.if you would like to cheak out my blog heres a link http://wpssebastiana.blogspot.co.nz/
    Next time you could maybe

  8. Hey Mr McAulay, my name is Alfred from Waikowhai Primary School in room Manukau. I liked that you decorated your poster so when people read they will also see the detail you put into it. This reminded me of when I went to orienteering. If you would like to see what I have been learning check this wpsalfredk.blogspot.co.nz


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Mr McAulay